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* PukiWikiヘルプ [#s14a5adf]

- [[FAQ(>pukiwiki:FAQ]](日本語)
- [[テキスト整形のルール>FormatRule]] 
- [[プラグインマニュアル>PukiWiki/1.4/Manual/Plugin]] 
** PukiWiki って 何なの? [#vf801b51]


** 新しいページを作成するには? [#n2c2eb75]
すでにあるページ(例えば[[練習用ページ>砂場]]など)で、ページのどこかにWikiName(大文字と小文字混合)かBracketName([[]]で囲う)を入力すると入力した部分の後ろに ? というリンクがつきます。そこをクリックすると新しいページの編集画面が用意されるので、あとは普通のページ変更と同様に書き込むことができます。

** リンクについてる(3m)とかは? [#aeb02253]

** 掲示板と違う? [#qf09daf7]
ページに手を加えても誰がその変更をしたかわからなくなります。不安な場合は、手を加えた部分に自分の名前を書いておきましょう。 -- [[hogehoge]] ←こんなかんじで。

** 誰かが書き込みを書き換えてしまう? [#k1149f33]

** ブラウザやプロクシのキャッシュで人の変更を消してしまわないだろうか? [#zee20d44]
ページを編集する以上、編集時の状態から手を加える形になります。しかし、もし編集中に誰かが更新していてしまっていたらどうします? 安心してください。PukiWikiには、更新時のページの更新日時と元データの更新日時を比較して一緒かどうかチェックします。「更新の衝突」が起きた場合はそのページをリロードし、編集し直してください。

-[[Text Formatting Rule Abstract>FormatRule]] (also included as the last part of this page)
--[[Text Formatting Rule>TextFormattingRule]] (now preparing. Please refer to site: [[Text Formatting Rule:]].)
-[[Plugin Help>PluginHelp]]

***What's PukiWiki? [#vf6f358a]
Anyone can edit all of the pages((except for pages frozen by the administrators)) in the PukiWiki. You move to the page you want to edit, and click "[ Edit ]" at the top of the page. Then you can see a textfield, in which you can edit the descriptions of page.
The edited content are formed by the [[FormatRule]].

You can edit the page [[ForPractice]] in any way as a rule. So we advise you to try and edit a page!

***How to make a new page [#neb8078e]
If you write '''WikiName''' that includes two capitalized letters and '''BracketName''' enclosing [[]], the mark ''?'' appears at the tail of the written text strings. If you click the mark, the new page and the editable textfield are created, and you can modify the page the same way you usually edit a page.

***What's the string attached to Links, such as "(3m)"? [#ab8c62f1]
The string (3m) shows that the page was updated about 3 minites ago , (5h) means about 5 hours, and (8d) means  about 8 days.

***Is this different from a BBS? [#q5170569]
Yes, a little. If you modify a page, the page cannot show who was the modifier. So you can write your name near your changes. -- [[Developer Team]] ... like this.

***Can someone remove all the descriptions in a page? [#k3570b93]
Yes! In WikiClone, such as PukiWiki, anyone can dirty, remove, and even ruin pages. PukiWiki, however, can do periodical backups, so the bad attacks will be ineffective. It is possible to recover the attacked pages easily.  

***Could the browser cache and proxy cancel my modifications? [#z07c55bf]
If another person is editing the page you are editing, what happens? It's OK. PukiWiki checks the differences between the changes on the original page and your modifications, by comparing the date of the  updated original page with the date of your updated page. 

In the case of conflict, you should reload the page you have edited and try to edit it again.


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